Friday, May 2, 2008

Multiplication Properties Lesson Plan

Lesson Name: Multiplication Properties

Grade Level/Subject: 4th Grade/Math
Type of Lesson: Direct Instruction
Materials: Multiplication Properties PowerPoint, Multiplication Properties Memory Cards (1 set per group), “What’s the Property” worksheets

1. Students will be able to identify and describe the four multiplication properties.
2. Students will be able to match an equation to one of the four multiplication properties.

Anticipatory Set:

Have many multiplication equations with the answers written on the board (be sure to include ones that follow the identity and zero properties). Ask the students if they notice any kind of patterns in these multiplication problems.

Encourage the students to realize that anything multiplied by 1 equals itself and anything multiplied by 0 equals 0. Explain that these are actually two properties of multiplication and that today we are going to learn four multiplication properties.

Actual Lesson:

Using a PowerPoint presentation explain the four properties of multiplication
o Identity 2 x 1 = 2 and 1 x 98 = 98
o Commutative 3 x 4 = 4 x 3
o Associative 4 x (5 x 8 ) = (4 x 8 ) x 5
o Zero 34 x 0 = 0 and 2 x 0 = 0

While explaining each of the properties via the PowerPoint, create a table on the chalkboard with four columns (one for each property) and have the students provide examples to be written in each column. Leave this table up for the students to use as a reference for the activity.

Students will then play a game of memory/matching.

Students will be put into groups of 3 or 4 and each group will be given a set of multiplication memory cards. Half of the cards have multiplication problems on them and the other half have one of the four multiplication properties.

The students will lay all of their cards face down on their desk(s) in even rows.

The object of the game is to get two cards that match: one will be a multiplication equation and the other will be the multiplication property that is shown in that equation. The students will take turns turning over two cards at a time. If the two cards they chose were correct, they get to keep those two cards and take another turn. If the two cards chosen do not match, they must put the cards face down where they were and it is the next person’s turn to pick two cards.

Once all of the cards have been drawn and matched, the group should raise their hands and the teacher will check to see if their answers are correct. The player with the largest number of correctly matched cards wins.

Students will play the game until ten minutes remain in class. Some students may play more than one game within that timeframe.

Guided Practice:

The teacher helps the students to develop sample equations for each of the multiplication properties.

The teacher walks around the classroom to check for correctly matched cards during the memory game.

Independent Practice:

The students determine if the cards match during the memory game.

The students complete the “What’s the Property?” worksheet..


Students will work on the “What’s the Property?” worksheet. The first 3 questions will be answered as a class.

Extended Practice:

Have the students create their own equations to use in the memory game and play the game with other students.

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