Friday, May 2, 2008

Informal Math Lesson Plan on Place Value

Lesson Plan

Date: March 24-25
Period: 1~2/9
Unit: 1. Large Numbers
Topic: Place Value up to 10 Thousand

Lesson Objectives:
To understand the different place value positions up to ten thousands.
To identify the value of numbers as determined by their place value position.

PowerPoint presentation (see attached handout) Will review the place value positions, value of numbers, and three forms of writing numbers.

A. Building a Number Activity
1. students will each be given one number. The students will be racing to create a given large number.
2. I will tell the class that I need a specific digit in a specific place value position. The student who has that digit will race other students who have that digit to be the first to fill the place value position. One student will also be the comma that follows the thousands place.
3. After the number is created, the class will recite the number together and return to their seats to build another number.

B. Place Value Worksheet

Students will work individually while I set up for the next activity.
These worksheets will be collected at the end of class.
Place Value Flyswatter Activity:
1. Several values will be written on the board prior to the activity and the class will be divided into two teams.

2. Each team will send one member of their group to sit in a chair that has been positioned towards the chalkboard. Each team representative will be given a flyswatter.
3. I will write a number on the board such as 92,468. Then I will ask a value from that number, such as the value of the 4. The team representatives must find that value from the several written on the board and smack it with his/her flyswatter. The first person to smack the correct number wins a point for their team.

Students will finish and hand in their completed worksheets.

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